‘I went to Mallorca to party. But then I met Jesus’

Jonas Ris was 17 years old when his life was radically changed through an encounter with the gospel in a very unexpected location

I grew up in a Christian family in Germany, and went to a private Christian school, but I never had an experience of God for myself. I couldn’t see the difference between people who claimed to be walking with the Lord and those who didn’t.

When I was twelve years old, I left my Christian school and went to a public one. I met new friends – and they were partying and taking drugs. I joined in and my lifestyle became more like theirs. I was looking for new drugs and new highs, but I wasn’t satisfied. This went on for five years, and the longer it went on, the more I realised I couldn’t find any purpose in life.

Read More at https://www.premierchristianity.com/testimonies/i-went-to-mallorca-to-party-but-then-i-met-jesus/14947.article