Hope Makes an Impact

Hope Makes an Impact

In Kenya, disadvantaged young people face diverse and complex social, education, and cultural problems. In response to these pressing challenges, the Bible Society of Kenya (BSK) has been supporting young people through two life-affirming initiatives — Bible distribution to marginalised children and the Arise Trauma Healing Project.  

Through these programs, children and teenagers receive hope, guidance, and healing through the word of God and trauma-informed training. In the face of diverse and complex needs BSK, with the support of Bible Society Australia (BSA), are committed to making a lasting impact in the lives of young Kenyans by sharing the love and light of Jesus far and wide. 

Hope makes an impact 

“Change will come to our family because of this Bible!” declares 14-year-old Amani*, who received a Bible from Bible Society Kenya at his school. Amani expressed his desire for change in his family as he reads his Bible. He shared, “My mum left with my younger brother, and she has never come back…I hope through reading at home, dad who is alcoholic will get born again. He has been telling me to hate my mother, but I believe that is not what God required of me.  I also trust to improve my grammar and be a great communicator as I continue interacting with this Bible.” Access to the Bible for youth like Amani nurtures their personal faith, and strengthens their family’s connection to God. 

Bible distribution has always been core to the work of Bible Societies around the world because Scripture is the foundation from which BSA partners build hope and resilience in their communities.  

In the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya, Bible Society are committed to reaching youth who are disadvantaged one way or another. “[Government] resources don’t get there,” shares Jane, a BSK staff member. “And they have a myriad of challenges, in terms of [meeting] even to basic needs.” For families living in rural or urban poor contexts access to education and other necessities can be limited. In these hard conditions, owning a Bible provides a source of strength and guidance in a child’s life. In 2024 BSK has a goal to put Scripture in the hands of 31,000 children from disadvantaged backgrounds, giving these children a better understanding of the promises and truth of God’s word.   

 The Bibles distributed through this program reach children in very difficult circumstances, giving them hope for a brighter future. Paul, another 14-year-old student, explained that “having a Bible of my own gives me hope because I know I will be a God-fearing pupil. In [the] future, I hope to assist the elderly in reading the Bible. My best tomorrow looks like having a blessed future, serving as a surgeon in hospitals established by churches.’’ 

Rising from trauma  

The Arise Trauma Healing Project provides Bible-based support for Kenyan youth who struggle with mental health issues due to diverse traumatic experiences. Mental health challenges among Kenyan youth are widespread, often linked to the severe conditions in which they live. “[Challenges are] very, very, pronounced in [rural areas] where girls face early marriages. In terms of culture, they face female genital mutilation (FGM), in areas where we have done the Arise Trauma Healing program,” says Jane. Other systemic issues include violence, roving bandits, family breakdown, and HIV.  

Arise helps young people to understand their experiences through the lens of Scripture. Jane explains, “We seek to help them to identify their trauma, which we call ‘the wounds of the heart’. So, we help them to identify that wound, and maybe deal with it, [using] Scripture and… being able to talk about what is in their heart and how it affects them.” 

The Arise program is delivered in schools and focuses on key themes such as self-worth, love, and God’s care. The children are encouraged to ask difficult questions like, “Am I important to anyone?” and “If God loves me, why do I hurt so much?” These sessions provide a safe space for the youth to connect their trauma with biblical teachings and begin their healing journey. Jane notes that the goal is to “help them unwrap the message of love as we take them through the Arise program.” 

The call to press on 

Bible Society of Kenya has an ambitious vision to reach every child in every school in Kenya with the word of God. “It is a big dream, but it is doable in that you [Australian supporters] have been part of that,” stresses Susan.  These programs offer hope, healing, and a sense of purpose to a generation that desperately needs it. With continued support from partners like Bible Society Australia, BSK is able to press on with this vital work. 

“Thank you for allowing God to use you, because this is a call to every believer wherever they are in this world to join hands together with God and other people across the globe to help everyone know the love of Jesus and thank you for every sacrifice,” says Susan. 

To learn more and support these programs, visit biblesociety.org.au/sow


*Names changed to protect privacy

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